So, first of all, it's not gonna be an ordinary post. It's the first one (and I'm not sure, if it's also the last) written in english. If anyone read this, please do forgive me for the grammatic mistakes, if there will be any of them. Thanks.

What can I say? I have not blogging for a long time... almost a month. Lot of things happened in my life...some of them good, and some of them bad. But despite all of the problems, I could say, I'm happy... but there is a big problem. With me.

Two worlds waring in me. One of them say to me, that I have to do something. Something that I would never want to do... but that's the only way, to know something for sure. To know, that can I trust somebody for 100 percent. The most important person in my life. The person whom I want to marry someday. But the other side allways warning me, that If I will make this step, there will be no return, and I will be one of that people, whom I ,,fight" against for my entire life. 

What can I do? I'm lost, and I not know, what to do... so please, if you there God, please help me... Or anybody, who's reading this. Please... I need help...

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